There’s a real, official place to ask questions now. It’s at You can log in with your GitHub account, just like you log into bors itself.

A little information about Discourse

If you’ve used or, you’ve already used Discourse. Have fun!

If not, you might still notice some similarities with GitHub issues. There are obvious similarities, such as:

  • they both use Markdown syntax for posts
  • they both have primarily linear discussion
  • they both default to showing you a list of recently-updated items
  • they both use @mention-style

Also, the bors-ng forum has reply-by-email turned on, so you can reply to someone else’s post right in your mail client. Discourse tops it off with a specialized “mailing list mode” (accessible in your user settings) and registered users can create new topics by emailing the right address (such as [email protected]).

What about the other ones?

IRC shouldn’t be the preferred place to discuss bors-ng any more. Unless there’s a strong outcry, it’s going to be deprecated and shut down.

Gitter is going to continue as the alternative to Discourse, for when staying to one topic is not going to work right. Sticking to a topic might not always seem like the right way to have a discussion, and that’s probably the way that chat works best. Gitter is easier for existing GitHub users to set up than IRC, so it’s the one that wins out.