Commands (pull request comments)

Syntax Description
bors r+ Run the test suite and push to the base branch if it passes. Short for “reviewed: looks good.”
bors merge Equivalent to bors r+.
bors r=[list] Same as r+, but the “reviewer” in the commit log will be recorded as the user(s) given as the argument.
bors merge=[list] Equivalent to bors r=[list]
bors r- Cancel an r+, r=, merge, or merge=
bors merge- Equivalent to bors r-
bors cancel Equivalent to bors r-
bors try Run the test suite without pushing to master.
bors try- Cancel a try
bors delegate+
bors d+
Allow the pull request author to r+ their changes.
bors delegate=[list]
bors d=[list]
Allow the listed users to r+ this pull request’s changes.
bors ping Check if bors is up. If it is, it will comment with pong.
bors retry Run the previous command a second time.
bors p=[priority] Set the priority of the current pull request. Pull requests with different priority are never batched together. The pull request with the bigger priority number goes first.
bors r+ p=[priority] Set the priority, run the test suite, and push to master (shorthand for doing p= and r+ one after the other).
bors merge p=[priority] Equivalent to bors r+ p=[priority]
bors single on Disable batching on this pull request
bors single off Enable batching

The keyword (bors) may be separated with a space or a colon. That is, bors try and bors: try are the same thing. Also, the command will be recognized if, and only if, the word “bors” is at the beginning of a line.

This will be recognized as a command:

> Like the other person said:
bors r+

This will not be recognized as a command:

> Like the other person said:
> bors r+

And if you want to copy the above table into a markdown comment, make sure that you include the (optional) pipes at the beginning of every line, because this will be recognized as a bunch of commands, one after the other:

Syntax | Description
bors r+ | Run the test suite and push to master if it passes. Short for "reviewed: looks good."
bors merge | Equivalent to `bors r+`.
bors r=[list] | Same as r+, but the "reviewer" in the commit log will be recorded as the user(s) given as the argument.
bors merge=[list] | Equivalent to `bors r=[list]`
bors r- | Cancel an r+, r=, merge, or merge=
bors merge- | Equivalent to `bors r-`
bors try | Run the test suite without pushing to master.
bors try- | Cancel a try
bors delegate+ <br> bors d+ | Allow the pull request author to r+ their changes.
bors delegate=[list] <br> bors d=[list] | Allow the listed users to r+ this pull request's changes.
bors ping | Check if bors is up. If it is, it will comment with _pong_.
bors retry | Run the previous command a second time.
bors p=[priority] | Set the priority of the current pull request. Pull requests with different priority are never batched together. The pull request with the bigger priority number goes first.
bors r+ p=[priority] | Set the priority, run the test suite, and push to master (shorthand for doing p= and r+ one after the other).
bors merge p=[priority] | Equivalent to `bors r+ p=[priority]`

On the other hand, bors will ignore this table if it’s given like this (with the optional pipes at the beginning of every line):

| Syntax | Description
| bors r+ | Run the test suite and push to master if it passes. Short for "reviewed: looks good."
| bors merge | Equivalent to `bors r+`.
| bors r=[list] | Same as r+, but the "reviewer" in the commit log will be recorded as the user(s) given as the argument.
| bors merge=[list] | Equivalent to `bors r=[list]`
| bors r- | Cancel an r+, r=, merge, or merge=
| bors merge- | Equivalent to `bors r-`
| bors try | Run the test suite without pushing to master.
| bors try- | Cancel a try
| bors delegate+ <br> bors d+ | Allow the pull request author to r+ their changes.
| bors delegate=[list] <br> bors d=[list] | Allow the listed users to r+ this pull request's changes.
| bors ping | Check if bors is up. If it is, it will comment with _pong_.
| bors retry | Run the previous command a second time.
| bors p=[priority] | Set the priority of the current pull request. Pull requests with different priority are never batched together. The pull request with the bigger priority number goes first.
| bors r+ p=[priority] | Set the priority, run the test suite, and push to master (shorthand for doing p= and r+ one after the other).
| bors merge p=[priority] | Equivalent to `bors r+ p=[priority]`

Configuration (bors.toml)

Name Type Description
status [pattern] List of commit statuses that must pass on the merge commit before it is pushed to master. If using Github Actions this would reference to the job name.
block_labels [string] List of PR labels that may not be attached to a PR when it is r+-ed.
pr_status [string] List of commit statuses that must pass on the PR commit when it is r+-ed.
timeout_sec integer Number of seconds from when a merge commit is created to when its statuses must pass.
required_approvals integer Number of project members who must approve the PR (using GitHub Reviews) before it is pushed to master.
cut_body_after string A marker in the PR description that indicates boilerplate that does not belong in the commit message.
delete_merged_branches boolean If set to true, and if the PR branch is on the same repository that bors-ng itself is on, the branch will be deleted. string Set both committer details to have merge commits show up as authored by a specific user. string  
use_codeowners boolean If turned on, CODEOWNERS file will be parsed. See GitHub’s docs for more info.
use_squash_merge boolean If turned on, commits will be Squashed before merging and the Pull Request will be Closed with [Merged by Bors] - addition to the tile. See Github’s docs for more info.
update_base_for_deletes boolean If turned on, and if delete_merged_branches is also turned on, then when a pull request is merged and its base branch is about to be deleted, any other pull requests made against the base branch will be fixed up.
commit_title string The title of the merge commit message. Can be templated with ${PR_REFS} to refer to the merged PR(s). Default is: Merge ${PR_REFS}
up_to_date_approvals boolean If turned on, and if required_approvals is also turned on, then only approvals up to date with the latest PR commit will count towards the number of required approvals.
max_batch_size integer If set, then batches will never have more than max_batch_size pull requests in them.

Note that underscores (_) and hyphens (-) are interchangable in configuration option names. That is, pr_status and pr-status are the same thing.

Patterns are written using SQL LIKE syntax. For example, this status directive will match any CI job that starts with ci/gitlab/:

status = [ 'ci/gitlab/%' ]

The committer options, if provided, should be given as a table:

name = "King Ban"
email = "[email protected]"

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