It’s another monthly burst of news about bors-ng. Bors is a Github bot that prevents merge skew / semantic merge conflicts by testing the exact integration of pull requests before merging them.

In the last month, we landed 15 PRs in the bors-ng repository.

“This Month in Bors” is written in public on GitHub. If you find a mistake, pull requests or issue reports are appreciated!

Notable Additions

  • korthout added a bors.toml option for custom commit titles
  • BuckyMaler repaired a broken link in the README
  • quicksnap fixed a bug in CODEOWNERS file search
  • basvandijk fixed CODEWONERS support for individual file owners
  • notriddle improved contributor sync, so it would time out less often
  • notriddle added support for the the “canceled” Check result

New Contributors

Want to see your name in this newsletter? Contribute on our GitHub repository.

Who’s using bors?

This month’s featured user is serde_with, a set of convenience functions and macros for Rust’s serialize/deserialize framework.

Got any suggestions for next month? Post a comment on the February pull request.