It’s another monthly burst of news about bors-ng, a third-party bot that predates GitHub Merge Queues and does mostly the same thing.

In the last month, we landed 11 PRs in the bors-ng repository.

“This Month in Bors” is written in public on GitHub. If you find a mistake, pull requests or issue reports are appreciated!

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Gabriella439 added a user agent to the oauth API
  • Gabriella439 cleaned up the pre-flight code
  • Gabriella439 fixed the get-status response for non-200 status codes
  • Gabriella439 fixed the handling of the draft flag in syncer

New Contributors

Deprecation notice

As mentioned on May 1, bors-ng is deprecated. Bug fixes are still accepted, but new features are not. The public instance will go away once GitHub Merge Queues leave beta.

This is the last issue of TMIB that will be released. To continue following any new bug fixes, watch the feed at in your RSS reader.